It's the fourth update since 5.0 of Rebirth launched this past November, making Rebirth one of the best-supported Elder Scrolls mods available. There have been "hundreds" of visual edits to textures and meshes, dozens of bug fixes, alterations made to Rebirth-exclusive content, and balance changes as well.

At this point, I have twice had to reset my computer as it crashed here. Like it doesn't even go to a menu or anything, it just goes fullscreen and stays black. There are many other changes beyond those big feature additions, however. So i just finished installing Morrowind again, was very excited etc, finished the Morrowind Overhaul, was very happy all set to play. RELATED: How to Download the Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Multiplayer Mod Meris Shield of Serenity unique item, and the ingredient White Guar Hide. 5.2 also adds two new magic tower shields, a St.

Seyda Neen get a more material overhaul, thematically shifted to be more of a fishing village and port, while also adding a coast guard headquarters as well as a barracks for Imperial Legionaries. It won't substantially change the content of the town, but it looks a lot better. The mining town of Gnisis gets a visual overhaul in Morrowind Rebirth version 5.2. 5.2 of Morrowind Rebirth specifically overhauls the Morrowind areas of Gnisis and Seyda Neen, among other major changes. Morrowind Rebirth is a total overhaul mod, meaning that it significantly alters the game's visuals and gameplay in order to create an altogether new experience. One of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind's biggest mods just received a major patch, updating it to version 5.2.